My name is Dr. Christine Dolahan, Ph.D.
I’m based in New Jersey, USA, and am life purpose coach, energy psychology practitioner, and intuitive.
I hold a Ph.D. In Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology and am specialized in consciousness, spirituality, and integrative health. I’m also a certified Life Purpose Coach, Certified Energy Healer, certified Yoga professional, trained and natural medium and intuitive, and DONA trained Postpartum Doula. In addition, extensive studies in core neo-shamanic practices and Birth Psychology also flow into my work.
I use my extensive training and academic background to provide clients with a unique and transformational experience of reconnecting with themselves, coming back to wholeness, and shifting their awareness - or what most practitioners would call - “awakening.”
My clients have a spectrum of issues they are working on, including mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual issues.
My story began...
...in 1987 when I was born in the sign of Cancer. I remember what must have been moments before my birth and my birth vividly. I know you must think that this is not possible. When I shared my experience with my parents, they had much of the same reaction that you did. I was told that it must have been a dream. I felt defeated and misunderstood and kept my memories to myself. Fast forward 20 years, I was a depressed and anxious young woman in my early 20s. After the untimely death of a childhood friend, I found myself in a meaning crisis, sobbing on the stairs of a church in Europe I decided it was time to change my life course. From that moment onward, I read and studied everything I could find on health and wellness, yoga, mindfulness, and general universal spiritual systems. When I examined Near Death Experience (NDE) cases I was excited to find that what people reported was eerily similar to my own pre-birth experience, just on the other end of the spectrum of life. This discovery empowered me and elevated my consciousness. It was also the beginning of my rigorous yoga and meditation practice that led to over 1000 hours of yoga training, as well as a long journey of working with countless therapists, coaches, and mentors to heal myself. In 2015, after the failed attempt at a Ph.D. in Art History, I changed my life's trajectory and decided to start a new career in transpersonal and existential psychology. During my time in graduate school in Transpersonal psychology, specializing in consciousness, spirituality, and integrative health, I also did countless trainings in Reiki (William Lee Rand), universal shamanic practices (Michael Harner), coaching, and birth work. My dissertation was born in 2022, 2 years after my first child's birth. With the birth of my brainchild and my physical child in 2020, I also experienced severe episodes of postpartum depression and anxiety. I realize that birthing people and mothers are extremely under-supported and undervalued, and so the accumulation of my personal experiences, challenges, and education started a private coaching and healing practice.In my practice, I help people reconnect with themselves and empower them to find meaning and purpose in their lives to live happy and prosperous lives.My mission is to reconnect people to their highest Truth and empower them to lead a meaningful and purposeful life in which they can express their full creative potential for happiness, joy, and abundance. My extensive education and expertise, combined with my empathy and intuition, is a unique set of talents and skills that differentiates me. I always work in partnership with my clients to customize a unique coaching and healing journey for them that is powerful, meaningful, and gets you the results you hope for so you can move on to living a more joyful life. My practice is based on values of service, love, non-judgment, safety and social justice.
Get to know my practice
Philosophically, my practice is non-dogmatic, non-religious, transpersonal and informed by the universal principles of unconditional love and non-judgment. My work is grounded in various philosophical and psychospiritual theories among them, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Stanislaf Grof, Neale Donald Walsh, Viktor Frankl, as well as my own inherit metaphysical wisdom and connection with source energy. My clients have varied religious and spiritual beliefs and orientations, and all are greeted with an open heart and mind.
My practice is open to everybody. However, I specialize in people who are looking for purpose and meaning in life. I also work with people who are on journey of motherhood.
I am a mom of two under four, a pet mom to a dog and two cats and married to a wonderful man living in New Jersey, USA. I am fluent in German and English.
Formal Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Ph.D.) with specialization in Consciousness, Spirituality, Integrative Health from Saybrook University, CA (2021) - Dissertation Topic: Prophecy as Transformative Learning Experience: A Theoretical Thematic Analysis of the Prophecies of Merlin, Nostradamus, and the Apocalypse of St. John: https://www.proquest.com/openview/9d23a9a8ac97be566f199244ec4787ff/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
Magister Artium (M.A.) in Art History, Anthropology, and Archeology from Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany (2013)
Master in Social Work, Simmons University, Ongoing (as of 2024)
Trainings and Certificates
Energy Healing Apprenticeship http://Havenofharmonynj.com
Spiritual Response Therapy Practitioner (Basic) https://www.windsorholistichealth.com/about-karen-kent
Prenatal and Perinatal Educator (PPNE) Training birthpsychology.com
Ongoing Shamanic Training with Michael Harner’s Core Shamanism Programs shamanism.org
Mediumship Training Program with Ayni Healing Arts Center aynihealingartscenter.com
Certified Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner
VortexHealing® Foundational Training & Magical Structures
Trained Tarot Card Reader with Hexe Claire (2021)
Postpartum Doula (DONA) (2021)
Certified Angel Mediumship with Charles Virtue (2021)
Academy of Energy Healing, Certified Energy Healer (2021) academyofenergyhealing.com
Life Purpose Institute, Certified Life Coach (2021)
OneSpirit Interfaith Ministry, Interfaith Minister in Training, (2019-2021)
Vedic Psychology Level 1 from Jiva Institute (2019)
Anatomy and Yoga Therapy with Jody Domerstad (2019)
Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training from Maha Mama (2018)
Reiki Master Apprenticeship with Deer Spirit Reiki (2018)
300-hour Yoga Teacher Training from Prema Yoga Institute (2018)
Way of the Shaman Basic Workshop Practitioner from Foundation for Shamanic Studies (2018)
25-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training from YogaVida (2018)
Certified Shamanic Reiki Practitioner (Level 1) with Mindbodyspiritnyc (2017)
Certified Reiki Master with Healing Reiki Brooklyn (2016)
Certified Reiki Practitioner (Level 1-3) with Healing Reiki Brooklyn (2015)
Certified Reiki Practitioner (Level 1-2) with Living Light Reiki (2015)
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Practitioner with Deer Spirit Reiki (2015)
200-hour Teacher Training from Sonic Yoga (2015)
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.